Jake McCrary

My current Leiningen profiles.clj

Nearly three years ago I wrote an overview of my Leiningen profiles.clj. That post is one of my most visited articles, so I thought I’d give an update on what I currently keep in ~/.lein/profiles.clj.

{:user {:plugin-repositories [["private-plugins" {:url "private url"}]]
        :dependencies [[pjstadig/humane-test-output "0.8.2"]]
        :injections [(require 'pjstadig.humane-test-output)
        :plugins [[io.sattvik/lein-ancient "0.6.11"]
                  [lein-pprint "1.1.2"]
                  [com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh "0.21.1"]
                  [lein-autoexpect "1.9.0"]]
        :signing {:gpg-key "B38C2F8C"}
        :test-refresh {:notify-command ["terminal-notifier" "-title" "Tests" "-message"]
                       :quiet true
                       :changes-only true}}}

The biggest difference between my profiles.clj from early 2015 and now is that I’ve removed all of the CIDER related plugins. I still use CIDER, but CIDER no longer requires you to list its dependencies explicitly.

I’ve also removed Eastwood and Kibit from my toolchain. I love static analysis, but these tools fail too frequently with my projects. As a result, I rarely used them and I’ve removed them. Instead, I’ve started using joker for some basic static analysis and am really enjoying it. It is fast, and it has made refactoring in Emacs noticeably better.

lein-test-refresh, lein-autoexpect, and humane-test-output have stuck around and have been updated to the latest versions. These tools make testing Clojure much nicer.

I’m also taking advantage of some new features that lein-test-refresh provides. These settings enable the most reliable, fastest feedback possible while writing tests. My recommended testing setup article goes into more details.

lein-ancient and lein-pprint have stuck around. I rarely use lein-pprint but it comes in handy when debugging project.clj problems. lein-ancient is great for helping you keep your project’s dependencies up to date. I use a forked version that contains some changes I need to work with my company’s private repository.

And there you have it. My updated profiles.clj1.

  1. Some of you might wonder why I don’t just link to this file in version control somewhere? Well, it is kept encrypted in a git repository because it also contains some secrets that should not be public that I’ve removed for this post.
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