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In July 2017, I found myself editing some Clojure code that looked approximately like this.
(defn validate-required-fields [params]
(when-not (contains? params :source)
"Missing source field"))
(defn validate-invariants [params]
(when (>= (:lower params) (:higher params))
"lower field must be smaller than higher"))
;; route handler taken out of other routes
(GET "/event-redirect/:event_type" request []
(let [params (:params request)]
(if-let [field-error (validate-required-fields params)]
{:status 400 :body field-error}
(if-let [invariant-error (validate-invariants params)]
{:status 400 :body invariant-error}
(publish-and-redirect params)))))
This route handler validates its inputs, and if they fail validation, then it returns an error response. I found this pretty ugly. This small chunk of code has numerous if
branches and quite a bit of nesting. All of this makes it hard to read and hurts understanding.
While adding a new feature to it, I remembered some code I wrote with Case back in late 2015. Back then we were working on Lumanu and wrote a Clojure macro that we called halt-on-error->>
. This macro worked similarly to ->>
, except it allowed any step in the processing pipeline to halt execution and trigger an error handler. We were working on a web crawler at the time, and this macro significantly improved the readability of our data processing pipeline. There was a lot of error handling code throughout the web crawler, and this macro helped keep it readable.
I realized that using a similar macro would make this code easier to follow. I recreated halt-on-error->>
to allow any form to cause it to return early. The above code could then be written like below.
(defn validate-required-fields [params]
(if (contains? params :source)
(exec/halt {:status 400 :body "Missing source field"})))
(defn validate-invariants [params]
(if (< (:lower params) (:higher params))
(exec/halt {:status 400 :body "lower field must be smaller than higher"})))
(GET "/event-redirect/:event_type" request []
(exec/halt-on-error->> request
Once you understand halt-on-error->>
, this chunk of code is much easier to read.
Let's implement halt-on-error->>
Here are some tests for that specify how halt-on-error->>
should work.
(ns halt.execution-test
(:require [halt.execution :as exec]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
(def produce-error (constantly (exec/halt {:x "foobar"})))
(defn success-fn
"Weird function that appends suffix to s"
[suffix s]
(str s suffix))
(deftest single-step
(is (= "first" (exec/halt-on-error->> (success-fn "first" "")))))
(deftest two-steps-with-no-error
(is (= "firstsecond" (exec/halt-on-error->> (success-fn "first" "")
(success-fn "second")))))
(deftest error-as-first-step
(is (= {:x "foobar"} (exec/halt-on-error->> (produce-error))))
(is (= {:x "foobar"} (exec/halt-on-error->> (produce-error)
(success-fn "first")))))
(deftest error-after-first-step
(is (= {:x "foobar"} (exec/halt-on-error->> (success-fn "first" "")
(success-fn "second")))))
(deftest works-with-anonymous-functions
(is (= 1 (exec/halt-on-error->> (success-fn "first" "")
((fn [x] (exec/halt 1)))))))
Below is an implementation of halt-on-error->>
(ns halt.execution)
(defrecord Stopper [x])
(defn halt [data]
(Stopper. data))
(defmacro halt-on-error->> [form & forms]
(let [g (gensym)
pstep (fn [step] `(if (instance? Stopper ~g) ~g (->> ~g ~step)))]
`(let [~g ~form
~@(interleave (repeat g) (map pstep forms))]
(if (instance? Stopper ~g)
(.x ~g)
So what is this macro doing? First, it uses gensym
to get a symbol with a unique name and stores this in g
. It then defines a helper function called pstep
for use in the code generation part of the macro.
This macro generates a let
block that repeatedly executes a form and assigns the return value back to g
. g
is then checked to confirm execution should continue before it is threaded into the next form. If g
is ever an instance of a Stopper
, execution halts and the value wrapped in the Stopper
is returned.
Looking at an expanded version of a macro can be easier to understand than a written explanation. Below is a macroexpanded version of one of the tests.
;; What is being expanded
(macroexpand-1 '(exec/halt-on-error->> (success-fn "first" "")
(success-fn "second")))
;; The expansion
(let [G__15365 (success-fn "first" "")
G__15365 (if (instance? halt.execution.Stopper G__15365)
(->> G__15365 (produce-error)))
G__15365 (if (instance? halt.execution.Stopper G__15365)
(->> G__15365 (success-fn "second")))]
(if (instance? halt.execution.Stopper G__15365)
(.x G__15365)
Looking at that expansion, you can see how we are using a let
block to repeatedly assign to the same symbol and we check that return value before executing the next stop.
This isn't a new pattern. There are libraries that implement similar ideas. At IN/Clojure 2018, Varun Sharma gave a talk about how this cleaned up their code. You can even get bogged down and throw around words like monad when talking about it.
I'd encourage you to look at your code and see if you have areas where error handling code is detracting from the readability. This might be an area where this, or something similar to it, would help.