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I'm currently keep notes on my computer using plain text and Org mode.
I keep my notes in a git repository in my home directory, ~/org/
. I want my notes to be synced between my computers without me thinking about it. Historically, I've reached for something like Google Drive or Dropbox to do this but this time I reached for git and GitHub.
Below is the script that I ended up cobbling together from various sources found online. The script pushes and pulls changes from a remote repository and works on my macOS and linux machines.
The loop starting on line 38 does the work. Whenever a file-watcher notices a change or 10 minutes passes, the loop pulls changes from a remote repository, commits any local changes, and pushes to the remote repository. The lines before this are mostly checking that needed programs exist on the host.
I keep this running in a background terminal and I check periodically to confirm it is still running. I could do something fancier but this isn't a critical system and the overhead of checking every couple days is nearly zero. Most of the time checking happens by accident when I accidentally maximize the terminal that runs the script.
I've been using this script for a long time now and I've found it quite useful. I hope you do too.
set -e
stderr () {
echo "$1" >&2
is_command() {
command -v "$1" &>/dev/null
if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then
INCOMMAND="\"$INW\" -qr -e \"$EVENTS\" --exclude \"\.git\" \"$TARGETDIR\""
else # if Mac, use fswatch
# default events specified via a mask, see
# default of 414 = MovedTo + MovedFrom + Renamed + Removed + Updated + Created
# = 256 + 128+ 16 + 8 + 4 + 2
INCOMMAND="\"$INW\" --recursive \"$EVENTS\" --exclude \"\.git\" --one-event \"$TARGETDIR\""
for cmd in "git" "$INW" "timeout"; do
# in OSX: `timeout` => brew install coreutils
# in OSX: `fswatch` => brew install fswatch
is_command "$cmd" || { stderr "Error: Required command '$cmd' not found"; exit 1; }
while true; do
eval "timeout 600 $INCOMMAND" || true
git pull
sleep 5
STATUS=$(git status -s)
if [ -n "$STATUS" ]; then
echo "$STATUS"
echo "commit!"
git add .
git commit -m "autocommit"
git push origin