Tests serve many purposes. Documentation is one of them.
The constants you put in your test code can improve its readability. You should put thought into them.
Here is a way to use Bazel to help fix flaky tests.
A bunch of new features arrived in version 0.24.1 of lein-test-refresh
I recently struggled to get some asynchronous JavaScript code under test. Here is my solution.
This lein-test-refresh setting lets you run lein test-refresh in a non-visible tmux window and still see test results
lein-test-refresh now contains a built-in test selector. This lets you quickly focus on a subset of your tests without restarting your testing process.
Let's use Google's BigQuery to discover the most widely used Clojure testing library.
Quick introduction to using lein-test-refresh with expectations.
I've been test driving Clojure for over five years and this is my recommended setup.
Get even quicker feedback with lein-test-refresh's newest feature.
An in-depth comparison of the output of Clojure testing libraries.